Sunday, December 11, 2011


After taking a little hiatus I am bringing the party designing back!  I am going to be adding cupcakes to my list of services!  Check back soon for pricing, flavors, themes and pics.  Spread the word and let me know if you any upcoming party needs. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Baby Boy Baby Shower

Back to back weekend of parties and I am pooped!  Today's party was a baby shower for Baby Noah and mama Lindsay.   Enjoy the pics!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pink & Orange Bridal Shower

I love anything girly and this shower was that.  I loved the color scheme and all the colorful displays.  There was a bit of a challenge with the winds.  The party was to be an outdoor event and last minute we had to move it all inside so the guest would not be blown away, however, I still think it turned out great. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Swanky Mad Men Soiree

I had so much fun planning this party.  All the details of Don Drapers world were brought together to make this such a fun night.   The food table had classics like Deviled Eggs, Ham Balls, and Meatballs.  Cocktails served were Tom Collins, Vodka Gimlets, Greyhounds and of course the infamous Old Fashioned. Also, not sure the night would have been complete without an insane amount of Lucky Strikes. And what really made the party was how EVERYONE came dressed to impressed in their best Mad Men era attire. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunny & Toby

I was so excited when Sunny asked me to help her with her and Toby's engagement party.  We transformed her backyard into a great little party space and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves.  Best wishes and many years of happiness to Sunny and Toby.